Planning a family reunion is not an easy task. Many families today just aren’t as close as they were decades ago and people work more than one job quite often.

Trying to have everyone get time off of work can be impossible sometimes. You might even have to plan a year or two in advance to make sure everyone can attend.

The first thing you need to take as a task is contacting everyone and having them help contact other family members. Maybe you don’t talk to your great uncle Bob but surely someone else in the family does.

By delegating a little responsibility you can save yourself quite a bit of time and effort. Make sure to have reliable family members help or everything will get screwed up.

The next thing is to figure out where to have the family reunion. Usually this is influenced by money. If your family is on a pretty tight budget, odds are you won’t be flying to Hawaii just to spend some time with cousins and other extended family members when you could use that money to fix up your home or vehicles.


Everyone should try as hard as they can to agree and also accommodate older or disabled family members. It’s not a good idea to plan a wilderness themed family reunion full of hikes when Grandma is in a wheelchair.

After you have planned the when and where, all you really need to do is follow up with everyone often. Monthly calls and reminders will work for a while until the date starts getting closer.

You will have to make sure anyone who isn’t coming notifies the family so they can be taken off the list if you have planned activities.

Fun Family Reunion Activities

Sure family reunions are great for historical purposes and helps your family stay very close but there might be a problem. What the heck is everyone going to do for hours together?

Sure you can eat and talk but how much time can that really kill? You will need to plan some activities!

Activities can be fun for almost everyone depending on what you want to do. You should have activities that are fun for the entire family and also special activities to help keep the children busy and under control.

So, what are some good all-inclusive activities? Well, most people’s problem with these is that they try way too hard on them.

The best activities are very simple ones. Sports and games are two of the easiest things to organize and very fun for a lot of family members.

Depending on the size of your family, you could do anything from volleyball to softball and anything in between. If your family is very athletic, you could hold a mini family Olympics complete with ribbons and awards.

Children can get bored easily at family reunions. Teenagers will most likely wander around playing their gameboys or complaining but the younger ones definitely need entertainment.

If you are going to be at a park, a great thing to consider is a giant bouncy house or slide. You can usually rent these by the hour and the rental place will set them up and take them down for you. Kids love these and they help burn off a lot of energy.

Children’s games or tables for coloring are also great ideas. Sack races and other fun stuff can really give children a memory that will last a lifetime.

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