The American media is so predictable that it is easy to see they are thirsty for another hyped-up horse race to the presidency. This is because since the mid-2000s after Bush, voter participation was floundering and they needed a way to booster excitement.

During the Obama years, voter participation was even worse to the point a Black man won so they got desperate and staged and self-promoted the most drama-filled celebrity they could find. Since then, their ratings and advertising profits have been up, not because of a growing love for politics, but because the drama tapped into the country’s worse values; hate, lies, and greed.

But they have bit off more than they could chew and now the country is facing a collapse of Democracy, the threat of a dictator, and a massive division among citizens. But even now, the media have chosen to stick with the hate, ratings, and money over the well-being of the people. Of all the reasons a nation could fall, this is the most likely.

In a lead up to November 5th, the media will purposefully promote the most dangerous and ineligible candidate for presidency this country has ever known, normalizing his behavior for them to keep the ratings up and to save face of media bias and hypocrisy; white privilege, and corporate greed.

Inadvertently, they will sway voters to chose what they have promoted as normal and drown out the safest candidate who they know, (and most of the country knows) will uphold the standard of living we are all use to. In the long run, the country will fall and the media will face persecution from this wannbe dictator, job loss, economic depression, and public contempt that will cause a hate toward mainstream media unseen in history.


Information will shift from mainstream news to independent sources, hundreds of thousands of opinionated media platforms, and the most confused populous in the world. Misinformation will spread throughout the country, as has started on X, and foreign nations will take advantage of this rogue society and buy off what is left of this scattered nation.

All those who thought it would be cute to place ratings and greed over true patriotism will find their paradise and live the rest of their lives in seclusion, financial uncertainty, with extremely broken networks and families; and some facing prison time. Insanity will set in and override what is left of their minds and eventually, their bank accounts will turn them into a savage nation of derelicts.

DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE
