Aside from the fact that most of the Democrat leaders have no spines yet are now calling for the removal of Biden from the presidential race, none of the men (or women) showed any interest in throwing their hat into the ring when the time came. So, their cries for another candidate will go unanswered and their alternative will be seriously flawed.

They are spineless because they had all this time to fight against what the nation is up against, authoritarianism, yet laid slack in their establishment comfort zones sucking up lobbyist money and taking trips hobnobbing and living elitist lifestyles. They truly do not care for the working class and it shows.

They ignored rural and many urban areas for decades, slipping in more conservative policies and cutting safety-net programs by compromising the advancement of the working family and outsourcing their jobs. Then they open wide the doors to experimental left-over hippy lifestyles and caved to the fringe left on homosexuality, LGBTQ issues, legalized drug use, and relaxing their stance on gun laws and neglected fixing the border. They had all them years.

Stuck in the nineties with Bill Clinton in an establishment era, they created a dynasty they though would never be broken, but is now in deep trouble. The Clinton-Obama-Biden era is long over but they have not awakened from their slumber. Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, and Maxine Waters are the epitome of rank-and-file Democrats who sat back on their stoops while the country went to hell right into the hands of this disaster we have now. They are fully responsible for the current State of the Union.

Instead of realizing the changing times and struggles, by finding a younger, populous candidate that could speak to the millennial and Gen-Z population, they chose to pacify the boomer crowd and their old-timey hippy-liberal selfishness, greed and flower child lifestyles.


The women of the Democratic Party have emasculated the men of the party and turned them to softspoken wussies to the point they have allowed a takeover of the nation and demise of democracy because they were too afraid for their lives to stand up and speak out. In their place are a group of young women of the Progressive clique who have more courage to speak for the majority of the nation. What a shame and disgrace to the masculinity of the American male.

The country and world will see if there is any courage remaining on the left when the country takes a turn for Project 2025 under a dictator. We will see if they have the spirit of patriotism to fight back or if they will fall in line under the new regime. However, this is the kind of president this country needs now.

If their choice of replacing Biden is Harris, they will fail tremendously. Not to say that Harris is not qualified and could learn to take advice from older politicians, Trump did it with no experience, and he was only eight years old; but she is not the ideal candidate in today’s political climate. The nation is not in a place to accept a Black woman as president after a Black man stood before them and crushed their dystopian white egotistical world. Not even independents can stand a Black woman to lead them. If they run her, it will be all over.

The Democrats have blown a chance to gather the majority of the people behind them because they have neglected the cries of working families and instead tossed any national surpluses to other countries. Regardless of what their reasoning is, the nation saw only that. This was a huge mistake. It has been too many years the people have suffered and they want real change.

DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE
