Coming from the mouth of the GOP nominee and many MAGA politicians and pundits are threats of how the United States will turn into a socialist or communist country if a Democrat is elected. This is a threat and a lie that has been multiplied more so in the last two presidential election cycles.

The reason they push this lie is because it is supposed to scare the hell out of the average white American who choose to believe that they would lose their freedoms, guns, and property rights. This is all a lie. The US has had four different Democrat presidents in the last 40 years and neither has turned the country toward a socialist or communist state.

An official socialist or communist state fall under the countries of China, Russia, Cuba, Korea or Vietnam, who are also considered communist countries. The difference between them and the US is each of these countries have more government run economies, and some with a mix of private enterprise, such as China and Vietnam.

Some of them have socialist-style healthcare systems where all its population are covered with healthcare and it is much cheaper. There is much more educational and military discipline in these countries, which turns out a more disciplined younger generation, and gun violence is not a problem there as much as it is here.

Furthermore, they proclaim and show pictures of poverty in socialist countries but if researched thoroughly enough, not many people are starving in China or the other countries who practice socialism correctly. Only countries sanctioned by the US, such as Venezuela, is poverty prevalent. Yet homelessness thrives in the US. Hmmm.


There is not much difference, however, in how the US itself is run from socialism or communism. The only difference is the economy is run by corporations instead of the government, but is comparable because corporations control the government politicians; unfortunately, the US does not have universal healthcare and has an undisciplined population where it pertains to guns and gun violence.

But the best of socialism and communism are not pronounced in the talking points of the GOP, just the negatives with lies and extreme exaggerations attached. The life-threatening talking points to which this lie is shouted is intended to induce fear into its listeners and so far, it is working.

Some followers of the MAGA crowd have become convinced that they would rather live under a dictator like Vladimir Putin instead of under a Democratic president. The contradictions are astounding.

If socialism or communism are such as threat under a Democrat president, why do MAGA followers desire to live under a dictator? A dictator would run the country for the purpose of themselves and the wealthy and leave the workers to exploitation of businesses. This is all the more reason to know that this lie is not of the truth and MAGA voters do not understand what they are asking for.

DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE
