White nationalist guys have been up in arms about not enough white children being born, so they figured if they restricted abortions, more women would have no choice but to have their children, whether illegitimate or not. However, they obviously did not consider the other option women have, which is getting their tubes tied.

More women chose to have their tubes tied after Roe v. Wade was overturned in 2022, a new study shows, and the biggest increases were in states that ban abortion.” According to “a research letter published Wednesday in JAMA examined insurance claims data from 2021 and 2022 for around 4.8 million women who got tubal ligations.”

So now what are these white guys going to do, ban tubal ligations? If they do, they will hear a perpetual fussing out by most women in the US., like a wife who yells at her husband on a daily basis. They think they have problems finding a date now?

Apparently, they did not think through the whole ban abortion thing beyond them being offended about it being considered murder of an unborn child. They have the basic concept correct because freelance abortions are a form of premeditated murder, but as stated before in many other admonishments, they went about the whole thing the wrong way.

Like a cold turkey quit of tobacco or caffeine, they forced this new law onto women not considering any consequences at all. Instead of easing the concept on women of America, they just wanted to force feed their alpha male agenda and thought women would easily submit to their commands. This revealed their lack of knowledge about the female mind.


It will be interesting to see what their next move is concerning the birth rates of white kids now. What they wanted to happen massively backfired. The supreme minds of white guys who cherish the eugenics theory have a task on their hands the world is anxious to see them solve.

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