This country has fallen under the control of all three of the above; power in the hands of people who lack the know-how to coexist with other cultures, who believe threats of violence, and violence is the way to solve a problem, and hoarding money defines life and is the only means to an end.
However, behind all three boy-men types, there are psychological traits that explain their behavior. Behind the racist is a bruised, egotistical weakness; behind the violent is a perpetual fear of retaliation, and behind the greedy is insecurity in need of power. These men cannot face the reality before them so they resort to one of three defenses to mask their frailty.
When all three are in power, there is sure to come a breakdown in rational thinking and eventually a show of inhumanity toward others they perceive as enemies. For instance, racist lack the ability to understand the world created under diversity, they have no sense of respect for others, and they are not mentally strong enough to accept the fact that they do not exist alone on this earth because they have been told otherwise.
Violent men are void of the human characteristic of peace, first in their own lives and minds, and then accepting the peace that others live within. They thrive off of disorder and are possessed by anger, jealousy, and an overdose of foolish, deceptive pride. In other words, misery loves company. Their only resolve to gaining respect that they expect from others, is to force others to respect them by violence. This is simple abuse of power.
Greedy men are the most self-centered, insecure people and find pleasure in enacting vengeance on those who refuse to pacify their egos or they see as unworthy, which is why they thrive on seeing others suffer by attempting to force them into subjective positions. Their need for praise and acceptance in a society they themselves have undermined; is a fetish they need to fill the void of human connection in their lives.
For all three types, watching their plots of vengeance play out is their answer to mending their fragile egos and to see others suffer; this feeds their thirst for power and acceptance. Their minds have imagined pain and hurt on their perceived enemies and they will make threats of violence and cruelty to invoke fear, and unfortunately, to fulfill their fantasies of physically hurting or inadvertently killing innocent people. If they have the money behind them to make their fantasies come true, the population of enemies are faced with inhumane treatment.
This is what this country is up against now. The majority of the people are confined to the mercies of a cruel people who live fantasies of vengeance through racism, abuse of power, and violence; and now they have added the punishment of poverty, slave labor, and imprisonment to their so-called fellow citizens; all because their egos have taken hold of their minds and seek healing at the expense of the lives of others.
The most telling sign that a society is run by weak and fragile men, is they resort to a deity, god, or religious doctrine that justifies their racism, violence, greed and insecurities and forces it onto that society, even if the doctrine is contrary to how they interpret it. When men see peace, love, and justice as a weakness, it confirms they have abandoned humanity and dedicated themselves to all that is opposite. Afterward, war and elimination of others become the goal.
Their inability to foresee how this will bring destruction upon themselves instead of those they see as enemies is astounding, and what many are seeking to understand. Human nature escapes them and they are stuck in a void of inhuman oblivion and blinded by thoughts of a world they see as acceptable that they are pushing on the rest of humanity. The problem is they are locked into evil and truly believe this is the answer to life, unfortunately, the forces of evil itself will be what will bring them down and crash their empire. They will eat themselves alive.
To deal with these people on a daily bases, one must understand what drives them and how to react and combat their wickedness. Intellect is key. These people have minds that have been distorted by ruthless and unsustainable lies, myths, and stereotypes that are not real. Truth, extending peace in the stance of patience, and understanding that if it comes down to your life being ended, accept your fate, and know for sure that it is only because these people have no sense of reality and will regret their final act toward someone who have done no wrong toward them.
It will take the power of reality to reach these people because they live in an unreal world created by men who have no hope. When people begin to die unnecessarily at the hands and guns of mobs, and troops, and vigilantes, humanity will resurrect itself in the eyes and hearts of those who stood behind the crusade to eradicate their perceived enemies. The real question is, now that they have the power to enact their cruelty, violence, and racial hatred, how far will they go, and have they anticipated the reaction to those who will finally decide to fight back.
DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE