Where is the stereotyping, national humiliation and murders of Innocent people after Helene? Mainstream media is reporting that hurricane Helene is the worse mainland storm since hurricane Katrina, with death tolls over 200, which is nowhere near the thirteen hundred (1300) people who died in hurricane Katrina, and the so many that were murdered for sport. There is no comparison.

What else is missing in this hurricane as opposed to Katrina, is the mainstream humiliation of Blacks being locked in a football stadium for over a week left to fend for themselves and die, the news coverage of Blacks looting from stores, suffering on roof tops, and wading through deep waters while the national guard stood and watched before doing anything. Meanwhile, white folks were profiled and deemed heroes and troopers for pulling themselves through when they were photographed looting stores.

Katrina was a spectacle for days on the news media as reporters took photos of Blacks suffering on the streets. Black people were being hunted like animals by white vigilantes for sport and were not allowed to leave the county and cross over to another because troopers stood watch on the bridge. “The bridge that spans the Mississippi River from New Orleans to Gretna was one of the few ways out, until police from Gretna used force to stop pedestrians from crossing it. Since most of the police officers were white and most of the evacuees were black, the incident quickly took on racial overtones.”

“With nowhere to go, they set up a makeshift camp in the middle of the highway. The plan was to spend the night on the bridge and try to cross again the next day. But then a vehicle with Gretna police markings drove up.

“He sped down in his cruiser and over the loudspeaker he just continuously said, ‘Get the f*** off the bridge,'” a male eyewitness who was on the bridge that day told Bradley. “And would point his gun at some people.”


At that point a helicopter dropped close to the encampment and its downdraft blew things everywhere, forcing the evacuees off the bridge. They believe that the motive was racism.”

It was a disgraceful show of good ole American racism from the top down. The then president, George W. Bush, was criticized for flying over the storm site and doing nothing afterward. Blacks caught up in this cruel show of hypocrisy were mocked by so-called educated politicians, reporters, celebrities, and gatekeepers as the world watched on wondering what they hell is wrong with the US.

It was then people started to wake up to the lies of post racial oppression and see that racism was still alive and thriving. The hate, ridicule and stereotyping of Blacks was off the chain and whites had their fill of self-satisfying hate mongering amusement and mockery of a people at their mercy. It was a sad and disgusting time.

Many believe that many white folks felt so bad about what happened they turned around and placed a Black man in the office of the presidency as a show of regret and repentance. This move by them was not in doubt because the way they behaved revealed the hate still lingering in this country.

People are suggesting that Helene may be a form of retribution for Katrina and tore through the white only Sundown Towns of the south, but that is not how God works. The Bible says that it rains on the good and the bad of the world and God is no respect of persons. He will do what He wants, when and where He wants regardless of economic status or nationality.

Prayer is always needed for victims of natural disasters no matter who they are and what race. But trying to get this message across to people who thrive on the sufferings of others is a hard task when racism is in the mix.

DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE
