The game of world domination is being played brilliantly by the wealthy. With the love of money as the root of all evil, the wealthy of the world pretend they have best interest of the world and its people at heart, yet their hearts are behind the money, not the people.

Wealthy people do not care about the average person or family in a humane sense of the word care; they care about the production of their wealth, by which humanity are nothing more than workers. The way Trump fit into their world is that he is nothing more himself, than a tool used to pad their pockets.

Regardless of the corruption and division he implants into society, he is their man. He disregards laws and mores and tradition and any value of human decency the world turns on, which is fine by them. The object is to overturn the concepts of a fair system of governing that represents the people and turn it to their favor in terms of oligarchy, riches and wealth; all over the world, in every country; Even if it means WWIII.

This is where the New World Order will come into play. Once the world is placed directly into their hands, only then will the supporters of conservatism, Trump, unfeigned capitalism, white privilege and self-serving individualism see that they were played and have now become commodities in the game of world domination; looking no different from the people they hate.

Anxious to become the center of the human race once again, white people around the world will one day wake up to a horrid reality that whiteness does not get them through the gates, money does. So, until then, they will stand their grounds of white supremacy, hate politics, and anti-diversity policies believing that the future will be brighter when Trump takes office again.


For a while, however, after he’s installed, they will quench their blood thirst of violence and vengeance against people of color but will soon realize that they are far outnumbered when the actual shit hits the fan and world revolution erupts into all out violence between countries and armies and races. The world will devolve into chaos and a hell state all because the wealthy wants to keep what they have extorted from their workers and not have to pay homage to any governments.

The problem in this new, wealthy-dominated world is that man, in his limited wisdom and unfeigned greed for money and power, leave out key ingredients among humanity, which is decency, morality, and the spirit of good will. Which is why, right now, he is desperately trying to override the human will with algorithms of AI coding in areas of finance, security, and governing.

Watch carefully the news headlines in the run-up to the next election. Trump’s name will keep appearing in the running even as the so-called DOJ get ever so close to nailing him on the crimes, they say he committed. This is all a game of world dominance, power-hunger, and greed, which is the root of all the evils we are seeing this day.

DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE
