It does not matter if the putrid language and conspiracies are coming from the left or the right, politics has gotten so raunchy in the US the world is seriously asking, what the hell is going on in the United States?

One side is whining about whether a woman is Black or not and the other side is trying to justify whether men can be women. Both are such petty bellyaches and so irrelevant that the main policy topics are being ignored. The strange thing is, on most issues the voters can agree but the politicians are ignoring the voters.

Guns, abortion, homosexuality, healthcare, citizenship, drugs, war, crime, policing, marriage, the environment and any other thing all the way down the ballot, voters want what they want and are sick of the political rhetoric and confusion. People are waking up to the scam.

Contradictions are everywhere. Even after the RNC nominee was supposedly almost assassinated, both sides are blaming the other and the news cycle has moved on without any serious investigation or answers to refute either side’s accusations. This would have been unheard of 20 years ago.

One side is threatening a Civil War if their man loses and the other side is clinging to an age-old political playbook that regifts wealth and elitism over the needs of the people. The country is sure to erupt into chaos after the November election regardless of who wins.


The presidential race has basically come down to racist white people against everyone else. And the media cannot seem to report the reality of this racism.

There is an odd feeling out there that the right will cause so much confusion after the vote counts that the results will go before the Supreme Court, who will give the presidency to their man on the right based on a constitutionally made-up technicality. And the left is standing back waiting with molotov cocktails in hand. The sad part is that whoever wins, the country will never know if they won legitimately or not because of all the conspiracy theories, legal muddle, and foreign infiltration.

There is no respect for the office of the presidency any longer; no respect for Congress or the Senate, (people do not even answer congressional subpoenas), nothing but insults, name-calling, arguments on the floor, and lies are flying around the Internet and in the mainstream media, who are run amuck by billionaire media executives.

Billionaires and major corporations are clearly siding with the one they want to win and bribery is in plain sight from the very mouths of the wealthy. Celebrities are exploited, stereotypes are being paraded, and 1950s racial slurs and ideologies are making a comeback.

Candidates are boldface lying, taking credit for things they did not do, and even planting deepfake photos and audio to fool misguided voters and those who have no knowledge of Civics. Foreign infiltrators are flooding the Internet with millions of trolls paid to lie and misinform.

Democracy is no more because there will always be a doubt in the minds of almost half the country about the legitimacy of the election process. This country needs a leader who is not afraid to stand up and silence the liars and realign the morals and values of the country with what is decent and right.

DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE
