Since the rise of the 45th president, racism, including antisemitism, has exploded in the US, even coming from the former president himself in not-so-subtle ways. The most remembered viral moment of antisemitism since then comes from the “Unite the Right,” march in Charlottesville, VA. In 2017, where hundreds of white nationalists chanted the antisemitic phrase, “the Jews will not replace us!”

When asked about the moment, the last president said that “there were good people on both sides.” In another moment of anti-Jewish sentiment, the last president was confronted about hosting a known antisemite and Holocaust denier, Nick Fuentes, who is a proud white nationalist.

Other instances of antisemitism is on display in Florida and around the country where white Neo-Nazis march and yell racial slurs to anyone who is not white while parading Nazi flags with swastikas, hanging them over freeway passes and on their cars. All this show has been happening over the past 7 years, since the rise of the 45th president.

Now that Israel is in a war with an Islamic country, and pro-Palestine Americans are standing with the Palestinian people, a large division has risen calling for devotion from Americans and their politicians to one side or the other, Israel or Palestine. So, who will the white nationalist side with seeing many of them are in Congress and support the last president?

The dilemma of hate is being exposed. How can a nation of pro-Israel patriots and politicians stand beside Neo-Nazi Jew haters and white nationalist in Congress? Which is it going to be? Are there good people on either side regardless of who they stand with? How can that logically be a thing?


The hypocrisy of this moment is astounding and needs to be called out by the other side. You cannot be antisemitic and a white nationalist yet be an America patriot at the same time. You cannot serve two masters, you will ether hate one and love the other or you will despise one and cling to the other. Luke 16:13.

And how can anyone be a Christian that pledges their support to God’s chosen people, Israel, yet at the same time support a man who does not see a problem with antisemitic white nationalist? Or who stands behind and calls on militias that are willing to war against people they blame for destroying the world through globalist Zionism?

The contradiction is astounding and extremely hypocritical to the confusion in the minds of those who cannot seem to decide who they are going to hate. This is the foolishness of racism, because when the time comes to actually choose a side and define your principles, the hate is blurred and interferes with human decency.

DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE
