Aside from the obvious hypocrisies of Evangelical Christian doctrine, that contradict the basic teachings of Jesus, such as how the Evangelicals ignore the poor, show animosity toward immigrants, and treat people of color as second-class citizens in the Kingdom of Heaven, there is a strong, deeply rooted motive behind all these iniquities that we will call American Christianity.

First, American Christianity is built on the concept of capitalism, second, European nationalism and white supremacy, and lastly, a misguided belief in exercising Old Testament Law over the grace of the New Covenant, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Those who teach this doctrine have been indoctrinated from the founding of this country to believe the country was built on Christian values.

With this belief pounded into their minds as being good ole patriots, religious leaders throughout American history have blended the first three principles of the founding of America into the gospel of Christ to the point they have reedited newer versions of the Holy Bible to fit their agenda. This reediting began in the late 1960s when they discovered that women and people of color were rising in power.

Holding on to white male dominance was imperative, so they polluted the Holy Word of God to maintain that power, and as long as they hold to these beliefs, the church will never grow into the spiritual institution it should be. This is why there are no miracles being done, sick being healed, or the power of God seen by unbelievers.

First, the reason people can see clearly that the church does not concern themselves with the poor, (in all their confession of involvement in politics and policy), and are laser focused on their own individual prosperity instead, is because the capitalist spirit has infiltrated their belief system and is completely contrary to the way the church of Jesus practiced social economics during the days of the early church. The early church believed in what today’s religious leaders would call hardcore socialism and the redistribution of wealth.


In the book of Acts chapter 4 it reads, “And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul: neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common…Neither was there any among them that lacked: for as many as were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the prices of the things that were sold, and laid them down at the apostles’ feet: and distribution was made unto every man according as he had need.” Verses 32, 34.

The early church did not possess the concept of individual property rights, which is a huge difference to the property rights theory so valued by Americans today. Americans have spread the concept of individual rights and freedoms and broken the unity and common bond mentality of the early church and community. While there was no one who lacked in the early church, there are many people in and out of the church today who lack the things they need while church leaders and a select few engulf themselves in riches and wealth.

Wealth redistribution today is considered a form of socialism (and communism), and frowned upon by the economic founders of this country and by the church itself. While the early church did not value the homes and lands they owned and saw fit to release them and bring the money to the apostles, who redistributed to people what they had need of, today’s church leaders keep the oversight for themselves and could care less about the people.

This practice is based on the concept of capitalism and the continual gain of wealth and survival of the fittest. Distribution of wealth and economic equality is unheard of in the church today and fought and demonized by church leaders. Some churches do help feed the poor within their communities, but there is no redistribution of the total wealth so no one has need to even ask for help. If at all, no church member should ever lack anything of substance.

Like the Pharisees of that day, today’s church leaders are more concerned about prosperity and vehemently champion only two political policies, abortion and homosexuality, while they ignore all other sins and atrocities committed by this country today and throughout its past. “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.” St. Matthew 23:23.

Second, America was built on the foundation of white supremacy and an inherent belief that eugenics play a large part of why whites thrive financially and are more deserving than people of color. Their view of the world was based on color as they considered people of color less than; calling them savages, animals, and treating them like subhuman. This is documented throughout history as European countries colonized the world, stole lands, and enslaved generations of people.

This supremacy mindset was instilled into the church deeply as church leaders taught that people of color were cursed under a made-up doctrine called “the curse of Ham.” But the Old Testament prophesy and promise in Genesis 17:19, 20, debunks that myth and tells another story. They have taught that Africans, Native Americans and other cultures were demonic, idolaters, and practitioners of witchcraft, but they themselves are a gentile people of the same belief system. Because of this belief, the Christian church treated people of color as if what God-given rights they had was only obtained through their approval.

They reedited the Bible by replacing all the words of “servant” with the word “slave”. They painted a portrait of God and His son Jesus of European descent and spread this photo around the world. Basically, brainwashing people of color to reverence them as a heavenly deity. The article, “The Depths of Evil in white Supremacy Embodies Ancient Sins and Curses,” goes into a more detailed explanation of how white supremacy plays a large part in American Christianity.

Finally, the church today has a fascination with the Old Testament text including its laws and ordinances and have completely ignored the principles of the New Testament and the teachings of Jesus Christ. Loving neighbors, turning the other cheek, and blessing those that persecute you are antithetical to the practices of today’s church leaders and their members. They are vehemently opposed to any kind of fair treatment, justice or mercy where it pertains to people they do not agree with.

In fact, the church today has entrenched itself so deep into politics and culture wars, that they consider the opposing political party or anyone of opposing beliefs as enemies and demons. They are pushing to impose Old Testament law and order onto society regardless of the change in covenant and purpose of the new Gospel. They have taken up the mantle of self-defense by clinging to guns and the authority to imprison and prosecute their enemies and maybe even kill them under the Old laws of an eye for an eye.

They proclaim the Old Testament Ten Commandments over Jesus’ sermon on the mount, which calls for love, which would fulfill the whole law, instead of the individual physical effort to obey God. Their goal is to push religious rules and laws onto society to bring people they have lost control of under their subjection. The problem with this is they remain under the doctrines and teachings of capitalism, white supremacy, and Old Testament rule and have not grown in the spiritual maturity of grace and faith.

The Bible teaches that mixing Old and New Testament doctrines will cause confusion and distort the entire purpose of the transformation. Jesus explains this when he says, “Neither do men put new wine into old bottles: else the bottles break, and the wine runneth out, and the bottles perish: but they put new wine into new bottles, and both are preserved.” St. Matthew 9:17. The church should never mix New and Old doctrine; they cannot claim to love Jesus but ignore His words.

Love, truth, peace, righteous judgment and mercy are some attributes of the gospel of Christ, but these are drowned out by the draconian practices of today’s American Christian. War and murder are ingrained into the capitalist doctrine of America with no push back from religious leaders. They will and have denied hard truths about bible doctrine and real life and stood strong on lies, false history, and ridiculous myths about other cultures.

Of all the atrocities committed by America as a country, the religious leaders embrace these actions as patriotic Americans with a Christian background. The early church was nowhere near as anti-Jesus as the church is today. As a result of their apostate doctrine and beliefs, today’s church has embraced a man who is antithetical to all that Jesus was and taught, even to the point of ignoring his traditional American bigotry, greed for money and power, and his complete misunderstanding of the Holy Bible.

Yet, the American Christian holds tight to their new leader because he represents all that they have lost and want to retain. The power to rule over a people they deem as unworthy of the so-called blessings of God they believe he has given them. Though they know the truth deep inside them, their rebellion and arrogance refrain them from humbling themselves under the grace and mercies of God. Thus, they will suffer the consequences in due time as they are starting to undergo the wrath of God as He exposes their abominations to the world.

DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE
