The United States is a true Oligarchy and has been for over 50 years. Republicans have lost nearly every election to the popular vote of the people from GW Bush up to the 2020 election because more people vote against republican policy, which are actually policies of the wealthy.

The game of politics and power is in the hands of the wealthy and their greed. They have used the Republican party to spread division among the citizens of the United States using the hatred of racism to play on the fears of whites of losing power.

They have also used the Democratic party and the news media through promises of wealth and power to turn their heads while they take over the country from the working class. The reason they do these things is because their policies are unpopular with the working class.

The people want to take care of each other through government support by a collective general fund everyone contributes to but the wealthy wants that money for themselves, as a means of government support in the form of government subsidies. They keep this a secret by lying to the working-class using propaganda news networks like Fox News, which fearmonger their viewers into believing people of color wants to take what’s their while it is the wealthy who is actually stealing from them.

The United States is a true Oligarchy and has been for over 50 years. Republicans have lost nearly every election to the popular vote of the people from GW Bush up to the 2020 election because more people vote against republican policy, which are actually policies of the wealthy.


“Let’s not forget, you know, people say Donald Trump won in 2016. He lost by 3 million [in the] popular vote, that popular total deficit grew in 2020, so they have to find increasingly creative ways to prevent the majority will from willing out. And one of the ways you do that is you suppress the vote.” Says Marc Elias who runs the Democratic Docket. – SOURCE

Elias shows that Republicans have launched numerous losing court battles against voters and their rights since the 2016 election. Even when the Supreme Court gave the election victory to Bush instead of Gore in 2000.

“He says the lawsuits Republicans are filing are not as much to disenfranchise individual voters as they are to, as Wallace put it, “cast doubt and aspersions on the result, if [they] lose.”

“Why are Republicans bringing so many of these cases to try to disenfranchise voters? It’s not because I think they think they’re gonna win, but it’s because it gives them grievance. it gives them grievance when they lose. And if there’s one thing we know about Trump and the MAGA movement, it loves grievance more than anything else.”

“And I guess my question is around these lawsuits, is it it’s not the point for them to prevail, but the point to keep you running around fighting all of their frivolous litigation? What are they so afraid of? If you weren’t having to defend against their attacks on voting?”

“I think they are afraid that if everyone was able to vote,” Elias replied, “and get an accurate count, they’d lose.”

“It’s nothing more complicated than that,” he continued. “They know they’d have, if every eligible voter was allowed to cast the ballot and that it was counted accurately, they’d lose [the] battle.” – SOURCE

The fight of the people is to convince Republican voters that they are voting against their own interest by supporting the wealthy disguised as the Republican party. The lies and deception have been so deeply ingrained into voter psyche that this effort may take years to complete because the wealthy have proven themselves to be a vicious people, unrelentless in their greed and need for power.

DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE
