Time and again when the people are asked what issues are most concerning to them, they answer the same year after year; election cycle after another. But are those things addressed by politicians and lawmakers? A resounding No. The politicians do what they want and totally ignore the people.

People want a better life, security, safety and to be heard when they want change. Beneath this desire for a better life are top issues they want met such as higher paying jobs, affordable cost of living, less debt, better healthcare, common sense gun laws and for politicians to take responsibility for their actions.

As of the most recent data up to 2023, several key issues have been consistently identified by the people. These issues typically include:

  1. Economy: Issues such as inflation, job creation, wages, and economic inequality often top the list. The state of the economy directly impacts people’s livelihoods, making it a perennial concern. Instead, the wealth gap is getting larger between the wealthy and the working class.
  2. Healthcare: Access to affordable healthcare, the cost of prescription drugs, and the future stability of programs like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are significant concerns for many Americans. Instead, these programs are possibly being cut or reduced and more people are going without healthcare.
  3. Gun Control: Gun violence and the debate over gun control laws remain highly contentious and important issues. In reality, there are more guns in the country than people and gun violence has increased.
  4. Education: The cost of higher education, student debt, and the quality of K-12 education are important issues for many families. Instead, the government is considering abolishing the Department of Education and charging everyone for schooling from K-12.
  5. Immigration: Policies regarding border security, pathways to citizenship, and the treatment of immigrants are critical concerns. Instead of making it easier and accepting of immigrants, politicians have taught people to hate and persecute immigrants.
  6. Social Justice and Racial Inequality: Issues related to racial justice, police reform, and systemic inequality have gained prominence, especially following widespread protests and social movements. Policing is getting worse as certain politicians have given them the power as judge, jury and executioner.
  7. National Security and Terrorism: Concerns about terrorism, cybersecurity, and the country’s overall security remain important. Unfortunately, people from the inside of government have taken on the role of traders, spies, and infiltrators.
  8. Government Corruption and Trust: Many Americans are concerned about the integrity of their political institutions and the influence of money in politics. Citizens United. Giving power to corporations to buy politicians, have priority over the trust of the people.
  9. Climate Change and Environment: Increasingly, Americans are worried about climate change, environmental protection, and sustainable energy policies.

These issues can shift in importance based on current events, political developments, and societal changes. Public opinion polls, such as those conducted by Pew Research Center, Gallup, and other organizations, regularly track these concerns and provide up-to-date insights into what Americans are prioritizing.

What are politicians actually doing? They seem to have their own agenda and ignore what the people want. Instead of addressing the problems the people want, politicians focus on issues that benefit corporations more often and protect their rights instead of the peoples.


To distract from what the people want, politicians, through the use of mainstream media, hype issues of culture wars; racism, intersexuality, nonexistent foreign threats, illegal immigrants, and way too many investigations into issues that do not address the social problems and needs the country faces.

Wages are still too low to meet the cost of living, housing, healthcare and education are unaffordable and leads people into debt; government corruption has reached its highest level in US history by allowing corporations to buy politicians, the educational system is not teaching our children but instead putting them at risk of gunfire, not to mention the government is looking to end public education.

Instead of making it easier for immigrants to enter, immigrants are being persecuted and possibly facing years behind bars for a law of illegal status that does not need to exist. First responders to natural disasters are underfunded when faced with hurricanes, floods, and wildfires as the government threaten to end financial assistance to those programs.

Threats of violence from vigilante militias are being ignored as racism and hate spread as a domestic problem and individuals are afraid for their lives when approached by a police officer. This is not competent governing; this is neglectful and irresponsible governing at best. In fact, there is a law being proposed in Tennessee that would criminalize anyone who votes against the policies of the current president. This is the dumbest law ever proposed but no one seems to care.

Politicians have overstepped their powers by forcing corporations by law suits to drop Diversity Policies when they should be using that energy to force them to lower prices, the cost of living and make life more affordable for the people who demand it. This is the polar opposite of what the people want and politicians have no concern but are dead set on making life harder for the people and easier for corporations and the wealthy.

DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE
