Apparently, the white men who are planning to remove, oppress, and subjugate any people, in and from this country, who are not white people, but who hail from other lands and cultural differences, have abstained from reality and bubblized themselves into a world of video-type game illusion and a throwback to a time long gone.
The men who have devised this plan have not learned from history and neither have they evolved intellectually or culturally but remain in a time age of their ancestors, who thought they would accomplish the same thing.
Little do they know, that their ancestors did not accomplish this plan for long when they tried because this country ended up being more diverse now than any country in the world, and their system of slave labor fell to a violent Civil War. (The only reason slavery worked is because of the lack of communication and the culture differences between Africans and Europeans). Their only hope for the nation they seek to create would be to return to their country of origin of whiteness and expel other cultures from there, first.
Because of the fact that there are currently so many different cultures and subcultures in the USA, they would have to have a plan that would attempt to eliminate each of them one by one over a period of time without bringing attention to themselves. Unfortunately, people are not as stupid as they think because once other cultures realize what they are doing, they will have time to mobilize before their turn comes around.
And with the advancements in technology, weaponry, and actually human intellect, (which they severely lack), this will be a hard task that will challenge the white man’s ability to prioritize and multitask. Not only will their logistic and strategic abilities be challenged but their efforts to recruit enough white men to fulfill this delusion will become extremely difficult.
See, it is one thing to have a vision of a utopian society where white men rule and keep guns on their subjects to obey their commands, (like slavery and private prisons), and another thing to actually have the stamina to stabilize this tremendous duty over the millions of people today. If the mission is to accomplish this through laws and violence, they can write all the laws they want, it is the violent area they are going to have the most trouble with.
The reason they will have a problem is because they have not actually counted up the cost of their supposed army of white men that will commit to such a mission. The illusion is that a majority of white men back this plan because the mainstream and social media is hyping the image as this enormous army of racist white men angry and ready to take back their stolen country.
The reality, however, is that there are only a very small percentage of white men who are inbred with the hate it will take to follow through. For instance, there are videos of a few hundred white guys stomping down the streets wearing mask and carrying guns, but within that very population, not even half of them is carrying the hate needed to follow through.
When these men are faced with an instance of hand-to-hand combat with another army of Black or Hispanic or Asian, or Muslim men who have the hate they need, most of the white men will crumble and rethink their commitment. There are many white men who ride around in pickup trucks with Confederate, Nazi, and Trump flags flapping; with AR15 stickers on the tail, but these men are fully domesticated, unlike their ancestors who were true men of the wilderness.
And there are many who have a personal arsenal with bomb-making material in their basements and the social media pictures to prove it, but when they are called to the battle field to take action, most of them will not be willing to leave their wives and children and jobs to go lay in a field or alley for days waiting on other angry as hell minority men to surface.
Now, the military that they believe will have their backs and who they will fall in behind are also sprinkled with Black, Hispanic, Asian, and Muslim men, (and women), who have sworn their oaths to this country and who are serious about that oath, but when they see the white men killing, raping, and beating other Black, Hispanic, Asian, and Muslim women and children to serve them on their imaginary plantations, they will not take too lightly to this image.
Once these delusional white men realize that this task may take a full century longer to achieve, they are going to reconsider their mission and start to question whose idea this was in the first place. And when they figure out that the plot was put together by wealthy men who sit on the boards of conservative and racist think tanks and live in gated communities and who are not on the front lines, they will eventually turn and target these communities.
The fact is, once reality sets in, the people who devised this utopian plot will finally realize that it was a bad idea and one that they did not think through all the way. See, these type men think that the public are stupid enough to fulfill their dreams of white male dominated society without figuring out that the work it will take to complete it is at the risk and expense of their working-class lives and the lives of their children. Of course, promises of money and more weapons will be made to secure their base, but minorities will find a way to get those goods and the black market will only increase.
In addition, they have not taken into consideration the other subcultures of people they suppose will take their sides because they are white, such as half of white women, the millions of many white men who despise racism and see no reason for this foolish takeover and whose lives will be disrupted, and their own children who will not obey their commands but turn on them with vigor.
The least case scenario is that this mission will be accomplished in only small parts of the country where hidden plantations are enslaving a small group of people of color and white men are tasked to hold guns on them 24/7 (like the private prisons), with the constant risk and reality they will be killed at some point, or attacked overnight. History always talks about the successful slave plantations and the wealth they achieved, but never recorded how many white men died at the hands of the enslaved.
The hero stories make the headlines but whites are too ashamed to publish the stories that tell of the hundreds of deaths of them and their children when some fed up inmate has had enough of the brutality. There are no stories of the white men’s homes that were overran with Blacks and whose wives and children were killed and the shacks of overseers who were attacked in the middle of the night by mobs of the enslaved.
Yet, somehow, the people who sit back and engineer the laws and policies that on paper look like white men will succeed in taking the country back to a time of subjugation of Blacks and the concentration of other minorities, while they enjoy the fruit of their slave labor; those who dream of this day lack the understanding that such a time will never come without death, much violence, and the loss of family members and loved ones over the years it will take.
So, their plan is to slowly but surely turn back time so people will not notice the transition, but they will make mistakes that will give away their plans because they lack understanding of human nature and the natural evolving of human intellect and the will to survive and live. People now know that their lives are given to them by the mercies of God and not by the plans of ignorant white men. And they know that money is needed to make their dream come true, but the people are catching on and boycotting their businesses to break their banks.
Their extravagant plot to use a patsy such as the current president to do all their dirty work and then replace him with the vice president waiting in the wing as some sort of logical savior will fail. They will move forward with their plans to whiten the country but at the risk of all the above; the lives of families, working men and women, and children who are being indoctrinated with the poison of their racist ancestors. They have not learned but are the same bigots as their great grandparents were.
DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE