First of all, the story of a Venezuelan gang takeover of an Aurora apartment complex story is false and based on fearmongering; fake news, and an attempt of conservatives to demonize migrants. The real story is of a landlord who was so triflin’, that the building was found with multiple code violations dating back years and was scheduled for closing by the city of Aurora. Many residences started complaining, moving out and some became homeless.

Though the area is known for migrant residences living there and crime activity reported, the story of a gang taking over the complex is hyperbole. It is a mixture of truth and lies, mostly lies to demonize migrants. Most of the news reports and social media post are from right-wing outlets such as Fox News, the Daily Wire, and the New York Post, in order to shed light on immigration and undermine Democrat policies, and to cast fear on white citizens.

The fact is, the residences of the complex started complaining about the service a while ago in addition to reports that the crime there caused the apartment staff to not report to work, leaving the residences without maintenance services.

Purposefully, “Property management claims the gang has taken over the site. An investor with the property told Denver7 the site had become too dangerous for staff to work there. Tenants confirmed they have not seen the manager on site for some time.”

The property manager abandoned the property in fear of the tenants, not the gang activity. He is a coward, slumlord who neglected his responsibilities, point blank. One resident said, “We’ve been trying to get in touch with the manager. He quit and we have no manager,” said Shayra Caez.”


According to the Aurora Police Department, they released a statement, “We are aware that components of TdA (Tren de Aragua) gang are operating in Aurora. APD has been increasingly collecting evidence to show the gang is connected to crimes in the area. However, as we have said previously and as the DEA similarly stated, it would be improper at this time for the city and APD to make any conclusory statements about specific incidents or provide details about law enforcement strategy and operations. Based on our initial investigative work, we believe reports of TdA influence in Aurora are isolated.”

As for Denver, the police department confirmed to Denver7 that members of TdA “are tied to crimes in the area.” However, Denver PD said it is “not aware of any apartment buildings being “taken over” by this gang in Denver.”

They never said the two were related or confirmed that the apartment complex was left without a manager because of the gang activity. They are investigating. The claims of the complex being taken over by Venezuelan gangs comes from a lone city council member named Danielle Jurinsky, who, in March of 2024, traveled to Middle East to support Israeli war effort, says;

“Do I believe that there are code violations on this property? Absolutely. And I do believe that with the condition that the property is in now, I do in fact believe it’s uninhabitable,” said Jurinsky. “But I think the city is trying to solely put this on the property owner for code violations. And my colleagues and I, we simply don’t believe it.”

It is her who have magnified the claim that the problem is the Venezuelan gang in an attempt to protect the property manager. However, “Aurora Mayor Mike Coffman once again pointed to code violations as the reason the city was closing the complex. “I know that the owners are talking about that it’s a gang issue, [but] the problems there go way back,” said Coffman.”

Local news media and the police have never confirmed that the two are related. The problem with fake news is they pick their target, which happens to be migrants, and make the situation seem more than what it really appears. And the public are so gullible to lies and misinformation, and so eager to throw up their racism and hate that they will believe anything that justifies their bigotry.

The public now believes that there is a New Jack City movie scenario of a street gang pushing people out of their apartments and selling drugs. This is a lie. When people cannot believe local authorities because they are so far down the rabbit hole, it says a lot about the critical thinking skills of too many Americans.

Other lies and conspiracies include the police department has been defunded by Democrats and cannot do their jobs, but in reality, they are a militarized force supported with military grade weapons to fight misdemeanors and traffic stops.

There are reports of a video surfacing of migrants approaching residence doors with rifles yet no report of where that actually happened. It is all lies. “Denver PD says there are reasons to believe gang members are tied to crimes in the area, but they say they are not aware of any apartment buildings being “taken over” by this gang in Denver … though the video technically is out of Aurora. Whatever’s going on, the optics here are pretty bad … to say the least.” Which are only optics and not fact.

On the other hand, if it is true that a migrant gang of immigrants has taken over the complex, then the police departments of Aurora and at the state level have a real problem they seem too afraid to address, or simply do not want to deal with because mostly all the residences are people of color. If this had been a white neighborhood, you bet the story would be revealed and police would have stopped this activity.

However, because the problem deals with migrants and people of color, the police are dragging their feet. They now have a real problem instead of profiling, harassing and killing poor Black people such as Elijah McCain, who was a mentally disabled young man minding his business. Or Kilyn Lewis who was fatally shot by Aurora police on May 23, 2024. If the Venezuelan gang story were true, then the police are faced with a real crisis and should do their damn jobs.

Unless people who read this lie have been to Aurora, talked to the police or the residences about the issue or know someone actually involved, they need to shut up and research and read for themselves instead of believing the lies told by right-wing bigots.

DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE
