It is interesting that there are people who live among us in these United States that would spend millions of dollars to elect a man who apparently has identity issues and dreams of turning the country into a mini-him. But this is no ordinary donor.

He is a man who does not care about how policy affects the people in the country, but how policy will affect his bottom line; his profits, his earthly coffers. Though his choice of political leadership is tasteless in that the wannabe is passing laws against imaginary issues, such as “wokeness,” and imaginary people he deems a threat to the country, this giver of million’s pretends to care on only one issue; abortion.

According to a report from Reuters, “Hotel entrepreneur Robert Bigelow, the biggest individual donor to a group supporting Ron DeSantis‘ presidential bid, told Reuters on Friday he will not donate more money unless the Florida governor attracts new major donors and adopts a more moderate approach.

“He does need to shift to get to moderates. He’ll lose if he doesn’t … Extremism isn’t going to get you elected,” Bigelow said in an interview, adding that he had communicated these concerns to DeSantis’ campaign.

When asked which specific policies Bigelow did not support, Bigelow cited only DeSantis signing in April a bill passed by the Florida legislature banning abortions after six weeks, a move that came after Bigelow had donated the $20 million.”


This guy doesn’t really care about the six-week abortion ban, that is his media sound bite in place of him wanting the governor to pass laws that would further enrich his bank account, just like all the other wealthy folks’ reasons for donating to politicians.

The politician can be a bigot, antisemitic, a serial criminal or a liar, they do not care as long as they are taken care of with the IRS.

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