As white America continues to normalize modern day lynchings of Black people, as they are doing through this piece of human trash, Black America must strap up and mind their business until they are accosted by demonic forces such as this man.

There is nothing wrong with defending your life and family’s life against threats such as this supported by an entire system of white supremacy with genocidal intentions. God does not punish the innocent; He punishes the guilty, the murderer, and all liars.

Without a God-conscious, mankind falls to its most primitive nature, which is violence and brutality. We now live in a country that has regressed back to that primitivity in relating to other humans. Stay prayed up no matter what you believe, and know beyond a doubt, you have done nothing wrong.

According to NPR and other news outlets; “In his first interview since placing Jordan Neely in a fatal chokehold, former U.S. Marine Daniel Penny insisted that the confrontation between the two “had nothing to do with race,” and he was “not a white supremacist.”

“Everybody who’s ever met me can tell you, I love all people, I love all cultures,” Penny told the New York Post“I was actually planning a road trip through Africa before this happened.”


Penny, 24, who is white, faces a felony charge of second-degree manslaughter for the death of Neely, a 30-year-old Black man who was homeless. The charge carries a maximum sentence of 15 years in prison. His next court date is July 17.

The altercation took place on May 1 on a New York City subway train. Neely, who used to perform on subway platforms as a Michael Jackson impersonator, was shouting that he was hungry and thirsty and moments later, Penny put Neely in a chokehold for several minutes. Neely was pronounced dead that same day.

“I can tell you that the threats, the menacing, the terror that Jordan Neely introduced to that train has already been well documented,” Penny told the Post.

Penny added that Neely’s death was tragic and the real blame should be on “the system.”

“It’s tragic what happened to him. Hopefully, we can change the system that’s so desperately failed us,” he said.

Penny went on to say that he felt no shame. When asked if he would do it again, he nodded and said, “I would — if there was a threat and danger in the present.”

Penny was arrested more than a week after the incident and after protests calling for him to be charged. Activists drew comparisons between Neely’s death, shown in a viral video, and the deaths of Eric Garner and George Floyd, who died at the hands of white police officers.

But Penny repeatedly told the New York Post that race had nothing to do with the confrontation between him and Neely.

“I judge a person based on their character. I’m not a white supremacist,” he said.

Neely’s funeral service took place on Friday at Harlem’s Mount Neboh Baptist Church. The Rev. Al Sharpton, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and New York Lt. Gov. Antonio Delgado were among those who attended.

DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE
