Neither of these men should be running for president of the US in a time such as this. When the country needs new and younger perspectives on the future, these two will only bring in old-timey policies, political and racial conflicts.

Trump, especially, should never hold office again seeing the DOJ has evidence of a long list of crimes and scandals. And Biden is nothing more than an old establishment Democrat who is weak and has compromise written all over his face.

According to the Guardian, “Joe Biden, the 46th president and oldest in history, this week formally launched his campaign for a second term in a video announcement. The 80-year-old faces no serious challenge from within the Democratic party and told reporters: “They’re going to see a race, and they’re going to judge whether or not I have it or don’t have it.”

Donald Trump, the 45th president and second oldest in history, is the frontrunner for the Republican nomination. He holds a 46-point lead over Ron DeSantis in the latest Emerson College poll amid growing doubts over the Florida governor’s readiness for the world stage. Trump, 76, has chalked up far more endorsements from members of Congress.

“I don’t think Americans want to see a sequel,” said Chris Scott, a 34-year-old Democratic strategist from Detroit, Michigan. “Americans are fed up with the Donald Trump saga, even though he still has a number of acolytes in the GOP. They’re just ready to be over that chapter and move on.


“With Biden, there’s a lot of people that question: does he have the stamina to do another four years, even though there’s things in his record that have been effective and he’s gotten done? I don’t think anybody wants to see exactly the same rematch that we got four years ago.”

Neither of these candidates represent people of color and other minority groups who need representation in the face of a rising white supremacist landscape. It will just be another 4-5 years of racist dog whistles and hate crimes.

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