With the support of over one hundred conservative think tanks and hundreds of scholars who have documented numerous theories on how they will turn the US into a Christian nation, the country is up against folks who have no clue what they are talking about when it comes to the Bible.

They repeatedly equate the founders and themselves with a shadow and type of the children of Israel, hence the age-old title “Judeo-Christian.” This drives them to use many of the Old Testament concepts, laws and ordinances in their new age doctrine of nationalism. They completely leave out Jesus and His teachings and when they refer to him, they are wrong again.

“Spearheading the effort is Russell Vought, president of The Center for Renewing America, part of a conservative consortium preparing for Trump’s return to power.” His stance on immigration is based on the laws of the Old Testament, not the new.

“Vought has promoted a restrictionist immigration agenda, saying a person’s background doesn’t define who can enter the U.S., but rather, citing Biblical teachings, whether that person “accept[ed] Israel’s God, laws and understanding of history.” The New Testament says, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3:28. It does not refer back to the standards of the Israeli laws.

This means that if anyone decides to give themselves to God, they do not have to go through the country they live in to do so like they did back then, which is what Vought is trying to imply. There are many Christians around the world who worship Christ, so it should not be a prerequisite to live in this country.


“Trump formed a political alliance with evangelicals during his first run for office, delivered them a six to three conservative majority on the Supreme Court and is now espousing the Christian right’s long-running argument that Christians are so severely persecuted that it necessitates a federal response.”

First of all, this is a lie. Trump did not deliver them judges to the court, Mitch McConnel did. He started this when Obama was president. Trump was merely the kid left to watch the class while the teacher went to the restroom. And he let the rogues run free. In fact, Trump did nothing but talk crap when he was president. Everything that was done was an agenda of someone else. All he did was golf.

Second, Christians are not persecuted. There are some false prophets and preachers who fly around in jets, own multimillion dollar mansions, and are far enough out of reach of the people they have no clue what persecution is. Ask them to try being Black in America, that’s persecution. So if federal response is needed, the preachers are the ones who should be responded to first.

Vought goes on, “It is a commitment to an institutional separation between church and state, but not the separation of Christianity from its influence on government and society.” Ok see, that is word salad and says nothing to substantiate the country going total nationalism. They are looking for a slick way around the words of the Constitution and this is how shysters manipulate people who try not to think too hard.

If Christians are to have any influence on government, it is by living a life of righteousness as an example to others, not to bully their way into political power, using threats, loud talk and guns. Besides Jesus leaving the church examples of how to act, the disciples and apostles also encouraged believers to be like Christ. Jesus said, “If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you.” John 13:14, 15. Are any conservative Congressmen, judges or scholars washing feet?

“For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps:” 1 Peter 2:21.

Vought often echoes Wolfe’s principles, including on immigration. “Jesus Christ wasn’t an open-borders socialist,” Wolfe wrote for The Daily Caller in April while a visiting CRA fellow. “The Bible unapologetically upholds the concept of sovereign nations.” The church of Jesus Christ is considered a Holy nation, a peculiar people, and are referred to as strangers and pilgrims passing through. (1 Peter 2:11). Jesus also made it clear that His kingdom is not of this world. Vought and his followers want so bad for Jesus to be a MAGA they will lie on him in a heartbeat. Its blasphemous.

Yes, God divided the nations by language ages ago yet those days are over where it pertains to reaching the Kingdom of God. Under the New Covenant, He allows all people to enter in regardless of where they were born. And anyone who leads the church should have the same mentality, not a separatist mindset. Their doctrine is self-righteous, archaic and foolish.

“While speaking in September at American Moment’s “ Theology of American Statecraft: The Christian Case for Immigration Restriction” on Capitol Hill in September, Vought defended the widely-criticized practice of family separation at the border during the Trump years, telling the audience “the decision to defend the rule of law necessitates the separation of families.”

Here is another area they screw up really bad. Aside from their demonic works of stripping kids from their parents, which is absolutely nowhere in the Bible except when evil kings were killing the first born, they arrogantly equate and sometimes even exalt the rule of law written by men over the laws of God, who they are supposed to be enforcing. There are no words for this ignorance.

“In a December post, he called for ending sex education in schools, surrogacy and no-fault divorce throughout the country, as well as forcing men “to provide for their children as soon as it’s determined the child is theirs.” This is an attempt to rebuild the family unit in the country, which is honorable, but a little too late because all the social trauma is the result of a curse placed on this country. Trying to reunite people who have been indoctrinated and spellbound for centuries is like repeatedly banging the head, and will take another few centuries to undo. What this country need is sincere repentance for the original sins committed from its founding.

“In Texas, Christian conservative supporters have pressured the legislature to require public schools to display the Ten Commandments in every classroom; targeted prohibitions on churches against direct policy advocacy and organized campaigns around “culture war” issues, including curbing LGBTQ+ rights, banning books and opposing gun safety laws.”

First, displaying the Ten Commandments is evidence enough that they are an Old Testament alternative and have no faith in the teachings of Jesus, otherwise they would display the Sermon on the Mount, which covers the Commandments but in a gentler form. It requires loving thy neighbor and enemies. Something conservatives have admitted to wanting to die first before doing.

How can a person love their enemies if their enemies are people they hate? Furthermore, the culture wars, the anti-LGBTQism, (with the hidden agenda of hating Blacks and Jews), the banning of books and open carry of guns are so antithetical to the spiritual liberty of the gospel it is pathetic. Nevertheless, this agenda is written by these hundreds of white men who truly believe they are doing something right, but they are merely crucifying Christ all over again.

The biblical illiteracy is off the charts with these people. The words, the concepts and precepts, the doctrine and even the version of the Bible they carry is suspect because it is revised to fit their narrative. If they take control of the US in the next election, this country will not be religious or a Christian nation, it will be thrown back so far in time we will be sacrificing goats, and maybe babies on the altar, if they have their way.

DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE
