On Tuesday, April 2 2024, “the 12,000-member Police Officers Association of Michigan (POAM) disgraced itself by endorsing Donald Trump for president.” This endorsement completely voids the ‘one bad apple” theory of police brutality against people of color, particularly Black Americans.

12,000 police officers now have 12,000 reasons to do whatever they want to profile Black people, which will lead to murder, blatant brutality, framing and planting false evidence to sexually exploiting a Black person in public. This is the most egregious and irresponsible act of KKK type vigilantism in this country since the 1600s. Logic says, if their leader is a criminal, so are they.

Being police officers, one would think they would do their damn jobs and investigate whether or not their ‘man,’ actually committed the crimes he is charged with, convicted of, and awaiting jail time for; instead, they have negligently ignored the rule of law and chosen to back a known criminal. This is a disgrace and a dereliction of duty, not to mention a contradiction of their own justice system.

It is recommended that Black Americans, and any other skin-tone of people darker than white, purchase fire arms and prepare to defend themselves against a rogue bunch of white racists who have been given the legal authority to disregard justice and take matters into their own racist hands.

There is no legitimate excuse why these people see this man as someone to stand behind when his policies include persecuting people he hates and calls vermin, animals, thugs, and everything but the N-word. Apparently, these people feel the same way and will act accordingly against, quite possibly, innocent people.


If there are any judges, lawyers, citizens, and especially religious leaders who will stand quietly behind this endorsement, they too, are nothing more than a representative of America’s most heinous pastime of hate racism and violence against those they see as inferior to their own hypocritical wickedness and vitriol.

The religious leaders of this country are surely doomed to hell if they do not speak out on this trash. They do not whatsoever carry any type of Christ-like attributes and should suffer the repercussions God has in store for them in the next season of His visitation. Law enforcement and the politicians of this country should be ashamed of themselves and owe the public an explanation as to why this is the new normal.

Explain to the public like we are 5-years-old how this can be legitimate. Come clean with one of your twisted forms of logic and make it make real sense to the point that everyone in this God-forsaken country would agree that what they are doing is for the best interest of the people. Please do so with the quickness.

Otherwise, there will be blood in the streets but not the blood they think will spill. It will be the blood of injustice for people who think they can just brutalize and murder people for no reason other than the color of their skin. This is akin to legalized genocide and will not go unpunished. The hate in this country is so twisted it has turned otherwise intelligent men into corrupt, reprobate zombies of a cult-like leader.

God have mercy on this nation and all innocent people.

DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE
